​Please note that all Judges must meet the criteria for JEP Level 1 to be able to be able to judge at any show.
Acceptance onto any list is at the discretion of the Judges Sub Committee of the Lancashire Heeler Association. Membership is not a pre-requisite for acceptance.
Judges will be expected to provide a written critique whenever judging the breed.
A1 List
For persons who have previously been approved by The Kennel Club to award CC's in the breed and have completed their first appointment and have the support of the Lancashire Heeler Association. (KC Policy).
A2 List
For persons who fulfil all the requirements for the A3 list and who have been assessed in accordance with Kennel Club requirements and accepted by The Kennel Club for inclusion on the A2 list and have the support of the Lancashire Heeler Association. (KC Policy).
A3 List (Breed Specialists)
1. To have been involved with or owned a Lancashire Heeler for a minimum of 10 years.
2. To have a minimum of 7 years judging experience in the breed and have the support of the Lancashire Heeler Association. (KC Policy).
3. To have judged the breed at Limit, Open or Championship Shows without CC's with a minimum total of 40 dogs actually present and judged, with an adequate geographical spread.
4. To have attended a seminar on Kennel Club Requirements of a Dog Show Judge given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer, and passed the examination. (KC Policy).
5. To have attended a seminar on Conformation and Movement given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer. (KC Policy).
6. To have attended a Points of the Dog seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the assessment. (KC Policy).
7. To have attended at least one breed specific seminar run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an examination and/or assessment where applicable. (KC Policy).
8. To have bred and/or owned a minimum of 3 dogs when they obtained their 1st entry in the Kennel Club Stud Book (save in exceptional circumstances). (KC Policy).
9. To have stewarded at least 12 times. (KC Policy).
A3 List (Non Specialists)
1. To have a minimum of 7 years judging experience in any one breed (to include 5 years in this breed) and have the support of the Lancashire Heeler Association. (KC Policy).
2. To have judged the breed at Limit, Open or Championship Shows without CC's with a minimum total of 40 dogs actually present and judged, with an adequate geographical spread.
3. To have awarded CC's in at least one other breed. (KC Policy).
4. To have preferably attended at least one breed specific judging seminar run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an examination and/or assessment where applicable.
B List (Breed Specialists)
1. To have been involved with or owned a Lancashire Heeler for a minimum of 5 years, and have the support of the Lancashire Heeler Association.
2. To have judged the breed on at least two occasions with a minimum total of 10 dogs actually present and judged.
3. To have preferably attended a Lancashire Heeler Breed Seminar, or in exceptional circumstances to have attended a show where Lancashire Heelers were judged and spent time discussing the Breed Standard and the judging with an experienced breed Judge, details of show and Judge to be recorded.
4. To have preferably undertaken and passed where relevant the Kennel Club Seminars on Requirements of a Dog Show Judge, Conformation and Movement, Points of the Dog and Stewarding.
B List (Non Specialists)
1. To have a minimum 5 years judging experience and have the support of the Lancashire Heeler Association.
2. To have judged the breed on at least two occasions with a minimum total of 10 dogs actually present and judged.
3. To have preferably attended a Lancashire Heeler Breed Seminar, or in exceptional circumstances to have attended a show where Lancashire Heelers were judged and spent time discussing the Breed Standard and the judging with an experienced breed Judge, details of show and Judge to be recorded.
4. To have preferably undertaken and passed where relevant the Kennel Club Seminars on Requirements of a Dog Show Judge, Conformation and Movement, Points of the Dog and Stewarding.
For Judges who wish to use the JEP route please check the KC requirements for the various levels and note that the minimum number of dogs required for Level 3 is 20.